Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Patented in USA and Canada Cluthe truss produced from 1885 (orthopedic apparatus for people with hernia) studies began in november 2013. Some useful information was obtained from this blog .

On that blog I made the next post:

Because surgery have today very much complications I think will be good idea to start fabricate such devices again. Author of this blog made very useful job placing here images. With them will be easy reproduce this device and try.

May be anybody know where can purchase Cluthe trusses today ?

May be anybody know what happened with this institute ? Was this institute registered as legal entity ?

I lost 2 month to study all trusses we have on market today as person with strong technical and scientific education and I want to tell you nothing there was found better.

Author of patent died in 1967 year. I don't know US and Canadian Law so maybe somebody can explain me who is owner of rights for their truss patents ?

I think is great sense to try fabricate them.

But their book is only advertisement.

Very much questions exists after read book. We do not know if they use only during day this truss or 24 hours.

We do not know how dress this truss an how select construction of Pad dependently type of hernia.

There are also many others questions we must to have answer.

Will be good to find their advices they sent to their clients together with their truss. May be something exists in Museums and may be something have people who used such advices.

Why I keep attention to this device.

I found in some country very interesting patent. 200 people was treated with other truss from hernia without surgery. When hernia was small like egg of hen they was treated in full during 4 months of using their truss. If hernia was greater up to 11 months there was treated without any surgery. But I can say that their truss is worse because impossible to swim or take berth.

So I hope this truss have sense to re-new production, at least in small quantity for people who not able or want not to get surgical treatment.

When our investigations there was started we thought success will be reached very soon. But reality was other. On scientific road we met very much pitfalls and several months there was necessary to overcome them. Please note this investigation there was was conducted by team of scientists with tens years of scientific background and practice of reverse engineering in scientific research.

At last in 2014 there was obtained first experimental truss for further investigations of it properties.

Below you can see how details there was created.

Cluthe's truss is not simple device as you can think from images. Only replication of it details never provide you normal functionality. Inside construction hidden many technological secrets which inventor got to another World... Author of this device spent many years of investigation hernias and ruptured people. Modern medicine and modern specialists have not many answers for questions related this truss. We created several mathematical models to understand principles hidden in this apparatus, some articles we will publish soon as very useful for modern surgery.

At last there was received something like this.

Cluther truss was not cheap in those old times. If recalculate their prices for modern dollar contain of gold price will be from $800 to $2000++ each (depending of shape, materials and client - adult or child). More than 300 000 cases of hernia there was treated from 1885 up to 1912, and turnover of former Cluthe Rupture Institute in modern dollar value was $600,000,000/=. But today this institute does not exists and nobody can say what happened with this scientific-orthopedic institution established in 18 century in Canada and USA.

Nobody was able re-produce this truss in 18-19 centuries not only because this truss was patent protected but mainly because there was multiple technological secrets hidden behind its visual simplicity.

We were most surprised that this truss was used principles that 100 years later were used in space to hold the spacecraft and artificial satellites at heliocentric orbits. Only alternating theoretical and practical research has allowed to establish and find these very unexpected for 18th-century technical solutions that are not initially obvious. It took more than two months of intensive scientific research to answer the question : " How exactly formed wire mount configuration on which was based calculation of parameters that are a very important and necessary , and that can be specified arbitrarily ? " . And for all these questions the answers were found. Cluthe truss was not considered and modeled separately, but together with the form of the human body , including the model of the disease , which was so accurate that even counting the proportion of feces in the intestines . As you can see wire shape also is important and must be specific for each individual, so simple shape replication does not bring any good results. Deep understanding of truss functionality is necessary to make it an instrument to heal or temporary support of hernia.

Some important technological secrets are related to spring and pad functionalities. 
 Size of pad also is very important and include several secrets related it functions. 

Cluthe truss rupture institute never published how truss was adjusted to human body, how pads was selected for each type of hernia. 

Parameters of spring also was adjusted to client activity, size of hernia, etc. They was able determinate hernia gates size without any ultrasound equipment with very high level of precission. 

We made very much experiments with real people to find answer for some questions. For example, on image below you can see incorrect truss utilization (application).
Error is not visible from image and without nature experiment you can never find this mistake. 

Cluthe truss adjustment impossible without understanding hidden principles of its functioning. These principles based on complex interference between human body and truss - creating deep synergy and dynamic links. Not only truss help keep rupture in place but also human body make lock which help to keep truss in right position !!! To unlock this link between truss and body very large efforts must be applied which never are produced by any human motion, so this truss always must stay in right position. Only when ruptured person will be jump exists significant risk to loose support of truss. But jumping for ruptured persons in any case are prohibited.

This is real truss from metal and plastic, handmade, that is why can also be applicable for groin-inguinal hernia support. We have intent to use it with ruptured person to see in action long time. Truss has weight only 250 grams and is very comfortable to wear as metal wire on body without covering of silicone tubes but with such tubes probably will have additional comfort (not tested). Stainless steel and acrylic plastic are friendly for human body in long term contact. Such truss can be used in bath for swimming, to practice yoga or Pilates. 150 years ago with such truss people also had hard work with lifting significant weights making their job for a living.

Cluthe's book "Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured"   is promotional book only. Goal of this book is to push customer purchase especially this kind of truss. Information of this book show only advantage of this apparatus and only principle that improve it consume properties. You cannot find in this book how this apparatus is fixed with human body, why it keep hernia strong in position, why it functioning normally without lag strap, why metal wire does not press human body, which pressure must be applied in time of set up and many many others answers are hidden from reader of this book. To obtain answers for these and others questions we initiated this study. It's very bad that such valuable experience of people obtained in 18 century was undervalued and lost for todays generation. Their scientific investigation there was made on high scientific level and methods are comparable with modern scientific research of our days. Our task is return to our generation these lost knowledge and help to those to whom surgery of hernia has strong contraindications. 


Added 30-08-2014. Here or here or here you can find medical projects based on any Android devices (smartphone, Tablets, etc.). One of them is free therapeutic Music created by Robot. Able to heel or eliminate wide spectrum of conditions. Free for download and use !!! Developed by scientists based on strong scientific investigations by Medical Academy of Science, (Institute of Endocrynology).


  1. Hello truss is ready for use ?

  2. I see in the market a variety of devices which are modelled after this design. Is anyone of those the result of the above effort? Please let us know. Thanks

  3. The whole point of this device I believe was the movement or "massage" aspect! There is plenty of research today on many types of movement or frequency devices from ultrasound to light therapy for healing to take place by effect on or in the extracellular matrix! These is key I believe much more than the fitting of this device! They're even using miniature ultrasound devices to regenerate teeth! Hope this helps and God bless you in your research!
